Compassion in Action: Ingredion Korea Giving Relief to Iksan Flood Victims


Employees loading boxesTorrential rain wreaked havoc on Iksan City, South Korea, causing widespread flooding and extensive damage to homes, crops, livestock shelters, and vital infrastructure. Responding swiftly to the crisis, Ingredion Korea provided targeted relief for the affected area. Through the generous contributions of corporate and individual donations from Ingredion employees, an impressive amount of 10 million won (approximately USD 7,400) was raised.

These funds have been put to immediate use, supplying flood victims in Iksan City with essential food staples such as instant rice and noodles. By addressing the community's most urgent needs in the aftermath of the natural disaster, this act of charity aims to bring some relief and hope to those affected.

"We extend our deepest sympathies to the residents of Iksan," said Jihang Lee, raw material sourcing manager at Ingredion Korea. "It is our hope that the assistance, pooled through collective efforts at Ingredion Korea, brings some relief to their pressing hardships."

This compassionate initiative is just one example of Ingredion Korea's ongoing commitment to corporate responsibility and society's overall well-being. Embodying the core value of "Care First," the company remains dedicated to positively impacting areas of need, both now and in the future.